Who We Are

It’s not just what you do in life. It’s who you are while you’re doing it. 

The Early Leader Programming at Tomorrow’s Women TODAY empowers the next generation of female business owners, corporate executives, government officials, and nonprofit leaders to lead authentic, service-oriented lives inside and outside of work. 

These professional development programs are guided by the belief that every woman should be asking herself this question: “How do I differentiate myself?” 

Lauren Pimpare and Katie Chiffer launched Tomorrow’s Women TODAY’s premiere Student Membership program in January 2017 to inspire undergrads to answer this question for themselves. The duo then conceived the not-for-profit’s Post-Graduate Program, designed to guide young professionals during their transition from university to the workforce, when the first class of Student Members graduated undergrad.

As we have evolved and grown, we now have three tiers within the Early Leaders: Undergraduate, Post-Graduate (1st year out of school), and Fellows (following the post-graduate year until approximately 5 years professionally working).

Interested?  Please complete the online membership application and our Director of Early Leader Programming (Emily Dahlen) will reach out you to answer any questions, setup time to conduct an interview, give insight on the organization and get to know you!

What We Do

Students and post-grads participate in the following programming (additionally, post-grads can expect pop-up programming throughout the year):

Service Endeavors

Service endeavors—whether in-person or virtual—give students and post-grads a chance to pursue a cause that’s greater than self, fostering a belief in interconnectedness.

Peer and Professional Networking

Everybody knows that networking is necessary, but few know how to network in a way that doesn’t feel plastic or transactional. Learn how to sustain relationships, rather than simply acquire contacts, through peer-to-peer and professional networking opportunities.

Podcast Club

It’s the “bookless” book club. Podcast club creates a forum for meaningful discussion about life and career alignment, why kindness starts from within, and how to find joy, rather than jealousy, in others’ successes.

Money Masterclasses

Money masterclasses equip students and post-grads with a “start now” mindset when it comes to personal finance, laying the groundwork for informed financial decision-making. Each session is geared toward a specific personal finance topic (i.e. intelligent investing, retirement planning, budgeting).

Career Hacking

Careers evolve because people do. Through the inevitable peaks and valleys, there are several must-have skills every woman should have—negotiation, stress and time management, prioritization, personal branding—among others. Hacking sessions will provide a concrete action plan to fast-track any career.

M3 at TWT

Mutual Mentoring Matters at Tomorrow’s Women TODAY
The intention of M3 at TWT is to empower students and post-grads with the mindset of lifting other women up as they rise personally and professionally. One-on-one mentoring relationships with professional members of Tomorrow’s Women TODAY help students and post-grads fully appreciate the value of female collaboration, encouraging them to pay it forward as they launch careers of their own.

Join Now!

“Being a Student Member of Tomorrow’s Women TODAY has connected me with a group of dedicated, passionate, and hardworking women that I aspire to be like. It’s a privilege to be in a group like this at such an early stage in my career. I’ve had a wonderful time attending events and getting to know everyone involved in this organization.”

Lauren DiSalvoUndergraduate at Boston University studying Computer Science

“Being a Student Member of TWToday has been an excellent experience for me as a young professional. I have had the opportunity to hear from women from a variety of backgrounds who are navigating the professional world and now are sharing their wisdom with the next generation. Further, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the other Student Members; having a network of women at a similar stage of life to me, but with a wide diversity of experiences, has been invaluable.”

Margaret DownsUndergraduate at Northeastern University studying Biochemistry and Spanish

“It has been one of the most inspiring and successful years of my life. I have learned so much and feel like this group has truly impacted not only my college experience, but the rest of my life. ”

Hannah PetosaUndergraduate at Boston University studying Film and Television